Impressions by James Leroy Quintin

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Hi all. My name is James Leroy Quintin and in behalf of my wife, Ronaliza, and our daughter Roisin, we would like to thank everybody, who participated and organized the 6th ICBE, for a wonderful time and a most memorable experience.

We feel that the importance of each ICBE not only reminds us of our culture, but also gives our daughter the chance to experience and immerse herself in our Igorot ways. In the workshops we learned some of our kakailians’ concerns in their native provinces, and also got the chance to learn the Ifugao dances and dresses in detail. Although the ICBE lasts only three days, the experience lasts a lifetime.

The following was written by Roisin, which I think sums up our experience during the ICBE.     

My name is Roisin Quintin, I am eight years old. My Igorot name is Banakan. I enjoyed myself in the ICBE in London. I met loads of friends like Azriel, Igorot name is Olat, and his little brother Diego, Igorot name is Layugan.

I learned the Ifugao dance, the male version looked a bit harder. I saw all of my aunties and uncles that I saw in ICBE Germany. I have to say thank you to all and my Ifugao dance teachers who taught me how to dance the Ifugao dance. I hope I’ll see everyone in the next ICBE in Barcelona.

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