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 by Yvonne Belen

The Igorot Cordillera BIMAAK Europe (ICBE) held its 5th Consultation on April 10-13, 2009 at the Haus Sonnenau in Vallendar, Germany. The theme was "Igorot Cordillera Rituals: Their Features and Significance." Contact persons were: Severino "Rhino" Oblas, Jane Klee-Morgens, Norma Bayoya-Wellhausen, and Mario Guinyawan. There were 82 participants - first, second, and third generation Igorots. The organizations represented were: Igorot Organization Austria (Igorot-Austria), Cordillera Community in Belgium (Cordi Bel), BIBAK Ireland, BIBAK Switzerland, Igorot UK and Igorot Global Organization (IGO). Other Igorot participants came from Canada, Germany, The Netherlands, Sweden, USA and the Philippines.


The Consultation‟s  main  features were:


1.    Seminar-workshop  on "Photographic  Principles that lead to Super  Pictures”  by Claus Nabert;

2.    Keynote address, “Cordillera Rituals: Their Features and Significance” by Dr. Caridad B. Fiar-od, Liaison Officer for International Affairs, Mountain Province, Philippines;


3.    Special presentation on "The Bulul in the Social Life of the Ifugao People" by Dr. Serafin Ngohayon, President, Ifugao State College of Agriculture and Forestry, Ifugao, Philippines;


4.   Presentation  of skits  on  the Igorot  Cordillera  rituals:

(a)  Mountain  Province  Begnas  ceremony  by Igorot  UK,

(b)  Abra  wedding  by  Igorots  from Germany  and  The Netherlands,

(c)  Kalinga  housewarming  by Igorot-Austria,

(d)  Ifugao  childbirth rituals  by  Cordi  Bel,

(e)  Apayao  agricultural  rituals  by BIBAK  Switzerland,  and

(f)   Benguet  death  rituals  by  BIBAK  Ireland  and  Rhino  Oblas;

5.   Speech of H.E. Ambassador Delia Domingo-Albert, “German Scientific Work in the Cordilleras - a Continuing Challenge,” which Mechthild Oblas read because the Ambassador was unable to attend; 

6.   Comments  on the Ambassador‟s  speech by  Dr. Serafin  Ngohayon;

7.   Gala  Cultural  Night  coordinated  by Norma  Bayoya-Wellhausen  and Cristabel  Bounggick;  and

8.   Sightseeing  tour  along the  river  Rhine  with Rhino  and  Mechthild  Oblas  as guides.


ICBE   published   a   magazine,   “Cordillera   Rituals   as   a   Way   of   Life”   as   part   of  the  Consultation‟s


Proceedings. The contents are: Cordillera Rituals: Their Features and Significance, Apayao Rituals: Their Features and Significance, Benguet: The Peg-as and Paypay Rituals by Caridad B. Fiar-od, Ph.D.; Mountain Province BEGNAS Ceremony: Its Meaning and Significance by Pamela B. Fiar-od; Tingguian Abra Rituals by Philian Louise Weygan; Keeping the Kalinga Heritage Alive in Rituals by Maria Luz D. Fang-asan, Ph.D.; The Bulul in the Social Life of the Ifugao People by Serafin Ngohayon, Ph.D. & Emily Alberto; Ifugao Rituals: Their Features and Significance by Anastacia Lannaon, Ph.D., Nancy Ann Gonzales, Ph.D., Caridad B. Fiar-od.

The 6th ICBE  Consultation  will  be held in 2011 in London,  United  Kingdom  with  Igorot  UK as  host.


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