Impressions by Albert Bacdayan

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3rd Igorot Cordillera BIMAAK Europe (ICBE) Consultation
5-8 May 2005

by Albert Bacdayan

It is a good bet that everybody is extolling the superb organization, programming of content and siting of the conference and the hospitality of the host group, the Switzerland Igorots. They deserve our deepest gratitude for a job done well and our best wishes for God's continuing blessing on them of grace, health, prosperity and happiness. I was most impressed by the enthusiasm, the support and the hard work of the Swiss Igorot in-laws and by the presence and participation of the young ones. It is no idle hope to wish that they will grow knowing who they are and proud of it and be a credit to their forebears of both sides and to themselves and the world.

My wife, Carolyn, and I stayed one more night after the conference. It felt empty and lonely with everybody gone. Only the good memories cheered the day. When I went to the office the following morning to bid good-bye and thank the staff for all they did to make the gathering a memorable experience, they remarked that they enjoyed hosting the Igorots and would welcome having them back. One, seeming to speak for all of them, said that they enjoyed seeing people who enjoy seeing each other. It was clear from the gestures and facial expressions of those present that they were unanimous in that sentiment. That impression on their part speaks very well of all of us. We were a very happy and loving group, indeed! And our enjoyment of each other was as palpable as it was genuine.Long live the Igorots and the ICBE!

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