Oggayam: Welcome Remarks
2nd Igorot European Consultation
Vienna, Austria
29 May-1 June 2003
Oggayam: Welcome Remarks
By Patrick Bounggick, Sr.
Kabunyan, the source of wisdom, please join me as I welcome our guest and participants to this occasion by showering your Blessings on each and everyone of us including those who are unable to come because of justifiable reasons.
The IGO-Austria are very eager to meet the different Cordillerans living in Europe, delegate from Israel, our guests Mia and Lani from the United States and our very own Ambassador Hon. Victor Garcia III. I hope we’ll utilize the three-day affair to share our experiences and talents. It’s also an opportunity for us to meet our friends, kailians and relatives and I hope that the participants will multiply in our future Consultation.
Grateful acknowledgement and outmost appreciation to the planners, organizers and the cooperation of the working committees in making this affair successful.