Words of Welcome by Peter Agnaonao

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By Peter Agnaonao
Chairperson, Cordi-Bel

As the Chairperson of Cordi-Bel, I have the honor to welcome you all to this Assembly of Cordillera People in Europe (ACPE). I would like to reiterate what was said by Ric yesterday evening, that we make the best for this ACPE. I welcome you to benefit the most and give your best. I believe we are here not to have a purely academic or intellectual discussion or debate on subject matters but to celebrate life, to give and take, to talk and to listen although we may agree or disagree but that should lead to unity and cooperation to nurture the seed that we invest during this assembly.

At this time, I now declare the Assembly of Cordillera People in Europe (ACPE) open. May I welcome you all to join me in a pattong

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