Words of Welcome Ric Cuyob

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Ric Cuyob, Chairperson, ACPE Preparatory Committee

This Assembly of Cordillera People in Europe is a historic and a decisive event for all of us. Historic because it is the first time we have such activity. Decisive because it depends on us during this week-end if we will make this affair the first and the last or we will make it the first and the beginning. If it shall happen that this gathering will be the first and the last, then we will fall back to our personal contact in the form of friendship or acquaintances or through
relatives or families. But should we make this event the first and the beginning, then we will set the tone for a start of defining what we believe we want to be the future for us Cordillerans here in Europe.

Whether you agree with me or not, I am sure that none of us would be ready and much willing to go back to the Cordillera tomorrow or the day after tomorrow for good. On the contrary, we have to face the reality that our number as migrants here in Europe will certainly increase as time goes by.

Once again, welcome to this first Assembly of Cordillera People in Europe (ACPE) and I wish all of us good luck as we make the best for this gathering.
Thank you and may "Kabunian," the God of our ancestors, be with us all.

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