Synopsis: Travels, Travails & Triumphs of Igorot Cordillerans in Europe

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An academic in search of deeper roots; an asylum seeker whose political ideology threatens a dictatorship; a tourist rekindling bonds with family and culture outside of the home; workers who rediscover their writing talents; nurses’ challenges in integrating into a new culture; ‘ordinary’ people turning into writers, athletes, and singer-songwriters. What do these people have in common?

And what  is behind a student’s bold move? Or a worker’s no-day-off policy? Or a fit athlete needing a lifestyle change? Or parents giving their best efforts to rear their young into tradition despite living in the diaspora? 

What motivates a person to pursue a life-long dream in a foreign land?  Who are the people who appreciate mountain sceneries the most, or elevate bus rides to another level? 

The answer, of course, is filial in the Igorot tribe. In this book, you’ll read about the travels, travails, and triumphs of  Igorot Cordillerans in Europe, written during the Covid-19 pandemic peak. Learn and be inspired as they narrate their adventures, difficulties, and camaraderie,  share their happiest moments and their scariest, too.  In this book, discover how their responses relate to and remain deeply rooted to their Igorot ethnicity, forever bonded and bound by it.  

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