From the Facebook post

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Super proud to be part of the book committee that helped bring this book to reality. We just ended the virtual book launch! 


My heart is full and singing of Igorot pride. One of the hopes we shared, earlier in the project was that books about Igorots could be written by US and not just about us! This has been achieved. It also helps towards the resolution in IIC Hawaii wherein which we resolved for more books and resources to be produced by Igorots within the Austronesian diaspora.


There will be a volume II to encourage more Igorots in the diaspora, especially the U.K. to share. (Thinking already of our Young Igorot children whose 100 word essays on ‘Being Filipino’ were recently recognised by Liezel Longboan Tinig UK Filipino children’s essay writing competition!)


The book was published by Mabikas Netherlands and Igorot Cordillera BIMAAK Europe (ICBE). With 35 Filipinos (majority Igorot) authors from 13 countries in Europe and Philippines. The first 250 preordered copies have already sold out! For this book, from the U.K. the authors were myself, Mark Sapaen Watan, Conchita Balagtey Pooten, AG Stac, ARchie Dugui-es Nabus, Grace Nabus, Evangeline Martinez.


Special thanks to Myra Colis, Lorena Domanog Clerc, Kristine Gyep Gorans for chairing, contributing to the virtual launch and for all your individual contributions throughout the entire book committee process. Also to aunty Christina Moncado whose creative skills are amazing and the ever present and tenacious aunty Yvonne (who is not in Facebook so uncle Cesar Taguba you can show her.


Lastly, to our book reviewers Dhen (from NL) and Marilyn Pretty Magoo (from Austria) who expended their personal time to read pre-copies and share their positive feedback.



Averil B. Pooten Watan LL.M

Mobile: +44 (0)7500-957-876

Email for Grove Residential Care Home and Registered Manager Skills For Care Related Matters: averil.watan(@) 

Email for Personal, St Barnabas Church, Igorot UK, WF Citizens, Forest WIN: averil.pooten(@) 

Twitter: averil78 

Facebook: AverilPootenWatan

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