Closing Remarks
Lorena Domanog
What was once a dream is now a reality! Having produced the book has given us a sense of fulfillment and pride, especially that until now, there is not much literature available about Igorot Cordillerans in general. In our Introduction, we wrote:
“Self-representation in literature is scanty among Filipinos; more so for Igorot Cordillerans. Very often, we read books that tell about us, about who we are, and we seldom read stories about us written by us. It is about time we write our own stories so that readers of our origin will find someone who looks like themselves in the book they read – the way they think, speak, the values they hold – affirming their own reality.”
This sense of accomplishment in writing the book is inspiring and challenging us to work further to come up with a second volume of the book. We would like to invite many more Igorot Cordillerans in Europe to write their stories, and to encourage members of the European Igorot community to join us as editors and members of the book committee.
Thank you very much for your participation and we look forward to seeing you again as we continue to promote our book and work on the second volume.
Matagu tago tako am-in!