Biodata: Christina T. Moncado

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10th Igorot Cordillera BIMAAK Europe (ICBE) Consultation 

Amsterdam, The Netherlands

July 26-29, 2019

Christina T. Moncado finished her elementary studies at Tuding Elementary School and secondary at Alejo Pacalso Memorial  High School. She graduated with a Bachelor of Arts majoring in Biological Science with a minor in Political Science in 1987.

She was the Assistant Librarian of the Cordillera Resource Center for Indigenous Peoples Rights; the Environmental assistant Desk Holder at the Cordillera Environmental Concerns Committee; the Provincial Coordinator for Relief and Rehab and was with the Human Rights Desk of the Cordillera Resource Center for Indigenous Peoples Rights.

Christina was a community organizer, a Barangay Councilwoman of Barangay Tuding, Municipality of Itogon. She was also a farmer and a small scale miner.  

She is a contributing writer with the Northern Dispatch.

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