Resolution Reaffirming the 2013 Barcelona ICBE Resolution

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9th Igorot Cordillera BIMAAK Europe (ICBE) Consultation
Rome, Italy
April 28 – May 1, 2017  

Resolution Reaffirming the 2013 Barcelona ICBE  Resolution on Commemorating the  1887 World Exhibition in Madrid where Igorots and other tribal Filipinos were displayed to justify Spanish colonial rule

Whereas, a  Resolution Calling for the Commemoration of the 1887 Madrid Exposition was unanimously approved by the delegates to the 2013 ICBE Consultation in Barcelona, Spain on 9-12 May 2013;

Whereas, ICBE delegates to the 2017 Consultation in Rome, Italy, 28 April-1 May 2017, reaffirm the Barcelona Resolution and call for the creation of a Commemoration Committee to  plan for the commemoration event;

Whereas, this Commemoration Committee be composed of BIMAAK and/or Cordillera organizations in Barcelona and Madrid, Spanish and Filipino historians, Spanish and Filipino organizations of and for indigenous people and solidarity formations and with the Philippine Embassy in Madrid, Spain providing an advisory role;

Be it resolved, that the commemorative event is held in time for the 130 years anniversary of the Madrid Exposition;

Be it further resolved that a Convenor for the Commemoration Committee be appointed by ICBE Consultation, Rome, Italy. The Convenor is tasked to contact potential Commemoration Committee members, facilitate exchange of views and convene the Commemoration Committee.

Unanimously approved by the delegates to the 9th ICBE (Igorot Cordillera BIMAAK Europe) Consultation, April 28-May I, 2017, Rome, Italy.  (Copy of the Barcelona resolution attached).

Certified by members of the Steering Committee, 1 May, 2017, Rome, Italy


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