
Written by Gil Tiban Catimo on .

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Badiw on Thursday, 9 May 2013 during the Turn-over Ceremonies

1. Kalajon man-aadivay (Welcome all to this acquaintance.)

2. Ta iya ngon inawat me iya ya obla. (We accepted this job)

3. Aaki alapod kaigorotan (Brothers/sisters from Igorotland)

4. Si Shiyos si Apo Kabunyan (Oh God our God Kabunyan)

5. Ya shakita yo ngo bendisiyonan (That we ask you a blessing)

6. Say mapteng tayo pan aadivay (For a succesfull gathering)

7. Man inaguatan kito ni pantatabtabalan (That we may understand the topics that will be on hand)

 8. Aaki shoki-antayo adivay ja enengana (Brothers let’s start our unending acquaintance).

Badiw on 11 May 2013 during the Igorot Cordillera European Cultural Night                   

1. Man aalibay kito (Welcome join the acquaintance)                       

2. Kalajo jo kango bujaen  (Welcome all and enjoy)                      

3. Tayo kango adivajen (Join us all to celebrate)                   

4. Kultura kaigorotan (This Igorot culture)                      

5. Dingkha ICBE kaigodotan (Prepared by the ICBE of Igorots)                        

6. Entero ja dobong tongo on-an (And the entire world would see)                  

7. Aagi, khagajem tan kaidian (Brothers, friends and countrymen)                      

8. Filipino tan kaespanjolan (Filipinos and Spaniards)                      

9. Ja man aalibay kito ma niman (Now we shall start our acquaintance).


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