
Written by Violie Gacao Doguil on .

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The worship service was held on the 12th of May, last day of the ICBE Consultation. It was a moment to praise and worship the LORD and to thank HIM for the great success of the event.

It started with an opening prayer and singing of a praise song led by yours truly and Jeff Inabiohan, who played the guitar.

This was followed by sharing the word of God by Pastora Elenita Hernandes of FBCFI (Free Believers of Italy) church. She expounded on our being thankful and happy because the Lord has made the event successful and everyone is full of joy. She also said we should not forget that in everything, we give thanks to the Lord, 1 Thessalonians 5:18. We should not also forget to share to others the goodness of the Lord.

Francis Kiwang of ULNOS di Mountain Province (Rome, Italy), rendered an offertory song as we collected the offering. Half of the amount was given to the ICBE scholars at Ifugao State University.

We ended with a closing prayer led by Margarette Kitongan of BIBAK Madrid and singing of the song, “How Great Thou Art.”